Does anyone else have horrible allergies? The kind that makes your nose simultaneously stuffed up and dripping, your eyes watery and itchy, and your throat tight and scratchy? If you answered “yes!” then you’re likely no stranger to the cocktail of allergy medications that help provide some relief on the daily.

But as a long-time allergy sufferer, I’ve always been interested in how I can lessen my allergies more naturally.

Enter: This smoothie.

Whether you suffer from Spring, Summer, or Fall allergies (or all three, like me), you will appreciate this delicious smoothie, which is packed full of ingredients that may help prevent and relieve those pesky allergy symptoms! Every ingredient has been perfectly picked to bolster the immune system, prevent inflammation, reduce pollen sensitivity, and block the release of histamines (which are what trigger those symptoms).

The result? A super healthy and deliciously tangy smoothie that can be enjoyed in the morning, noon, or night! So whip one up today (and tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that) and get ready to embrace the season, allergy-free!

Rhiannon Ball

Rhiannon loves to cook and bake but has also never said "no" to a takeout burrito (see, she's just like you!). Despite slowly running out of room in her cabinets, she continues to expand her collections of cookbooks and kitchen gadgets and is deeply jealous of people who can just "whip something up" without a recipe. When she's not in the kitchen, you can find her camping and hiking with her husband and rescue dog, Waffles.

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