Fruit cobbler is a delicious, light dessert that is best enjoyed warm, gooey, and straight from the oven! Depending on what fruit you use and what’s in season, it can easily be made year-round, making it a fan favorite. It’s perfect to eat while curled up in a blanket on the couch or while sunning yourself at a backyard BBQ!

Since desserts are generally high in sugar and carbohydrates, finding a sweet treat that stays within the daily keto diet allotment of carbs can be tough. Regular fruit cobbler is definitely not keto, but we didn’t let that stop us! With a few easy swaps, we came up with this perfect low carb berry cobbler.

Plus, we modified the traditional cobbler to make it the perfect size for one or two people AND to cook it in the microwave so it’s warm and gooey every time you get a craving! If you don’t have a microwave (or prefer to not use one), this could also be “baked” in a toaster oven.

Not keto? Simply substitute sugar (for a healthier option, try a raw version like sucanat or coconut sugar) for the xylitol and you’ll enjoy this dessert just as much! You can also try swapping out the berries for other seasonal fruits to experiment a bit!

Servings: 2


  • 1 cup fresh or frozen berries
  • 2 tsp + 1 tsp xylitol
  • 1/4 tsp coconut flour
  • 1-1 1/2 tbsp butter, melted (use vegan butter, if desired)
  • 3 tbsp almond flour


  • Mug
  • Microwave


  • In a mug, mix together berries, 2 tsp xylitol, and coconut flour. Microwave for 2 minutes (if berries are frozen) or 1 minute (if berries are fresh), stirring halfway through.
  • In a separate container, mix melted butter, almond flour, and 1 tsp xylitol until combined. It will have a dense, doughy consistency. Microwave for 30 seconds, keeping an eye on it to ensure it browns, but doesn't burn.
  • Mix up the topping and sprinkle on top of the berry mixture. Enjoy warm!
Rhiannon Ball

Rhiannon loves to cook and bake but has also never said "no" to a takeout burrito (see, she's just like you!). Despite slowly running out of room in her cabinets, she continues to expand her collections of cookbooks and kitchen gadgets and is deeply jealous of people who can just "whip something up" without a recipe. When she's not in the kitchen, you can find her camping and hiking with her husband and rescue dog, Waffles.

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