The Half Hour Meals’ 2012 Culinary World Tour continues its journey, this time stopping off at Australia. This is the seventh article of ten that will delve into the culinary world of famous Summer Olympic countries. Read our recipes from these cultural meccas and submit your own!

Australia is a massive island continent far away from most of the Western world. It has a unique style of food, called Mod Oz. The traditional European heritage is mixed with the Asian influence of the location. You can see this influence in these recipes! Check out the kangaroo steaks and wash it down with a cool Coopers beer.

1. Coopers Beer. Coopers Brewery Limited is the largest brewery in Australia. Owned out of Adelaide, this drink company is a family owned business that produces a very controlled product. Give this refreshing beer a try if you see it at the store.

2. Australian Wine. Australia is famous for their high quality wineries. Penfolds is one of the most famous brands, with an amazing quality. These wines are available around the world so try this for your next dinner party.

3. Scotch Eggs. A classic dish from the United Kingdom, this pub food is great with a cold beer. It is full of protein so it’s fairly healthy too!

4. Sausage Rolls. This simple food is elevated with different toppings and sausage meats.  It can be found as a street food like our American hot dogs. These are great for an appetizer.

5. Barramundi. This Australian fish is almost a national dish as it is consumed in such high numbers! The name is derived from the native Australian Aboriginal language. This white, flaky fish has a high omega 3 content.

6. Kangaroo Steaks. It might seem strange to eat Skippy, but kangaroo is delicious grilled. Be careful not to over cook the meat as it gets tough quickly.

7. Welsh Rarebit. This traditional dish combines beer and cheese into a delicious spread. This recipe pays homage to the British heritage of the country.

8. Garlic Yabbies. This crayfish dish uses the Australian yabby as the meat. These little creatures are a classic Australian food and are very common to find in restaurants.

9. Pavlova. A mixture between marshmallow and meringue, this dessert is really something special. Top this dish with any type of seasonal fruit- here we see passion fruit and strawberries.

10. Anzac Cookies. A traditional wartime cookie, this biscuit is delicious and very Australian. Named after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), these cookies are oatmeal and coconut flavored.

Angela Nightingale

If you want to know the best cupcake shop in any major city in America, just ask Angela. This girl knows her sweets, and she isn't shy about letting you know that your german chocolate cake needs more chocolate. If you want to find Angela on any given day, she's probably looking up reviews to decide where to grab lunch, or in her downtime, binge-watching the latest 'it-series' on Netflix.

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